Rizki Nuzul Muzaki

Rizki Nuzul Muzaki

Software Engineer

About Me

Hello! I’m Rizki. A final year informatics student at Dian Nuswantoro University. Interested in software development related. Have several experiences working as Software Engineer Intern and have experience develop application with agile scrum methodology. Have good communication skills in teamwork.

Semarang, Indonesia

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern at Stechoq Robotika Indonesia
February, 2023 - June, 2023

Joined from Program Kampus Merdeka MSIB Batch 4. My project is develop virtual reality app for ventilator Venindo V-01 using tech stack Unity, C#, and GitLab.

Fullstack Developer Intern at CitiAsia Inc.
August, 2022 - December, 2022

Joined from Program Kampus Merdeka MSIB Batch 3. Worked remotely and within an agile scrum methodology. My project is develop survey management system website application using tech stack Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap, MySql.


Ventilator Simulation Ventilator Simulation

Ventilator Simulation is a virtual reality application.
Main feature of this project is simulation ventilator's functions e.g how to start ventilator and how to maintenance of ventilator.
Build with Unity, C#, and GitLab.

SurveyAsia SurveyAsia

SurveyAsia is a survey management system application.
Main feature of this project is Register & Login, Create Survey, Fill Survey.
Build with Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap, and MySQL.


Backend service implement JWT for Auth.
Main feature of this project is Register & Login Service using JWT.
Built with Go, Fiber, Gorm, JWT, and MySql.


Backend service Node JS without any framework.
Main feature of this project is basic operation (insert, update, delete) using in memory database.
Built with JavaScript, Node JS.


Simple web for learning about Tailwind CSS.
Main feature of this project is Landing Page and page detail of coffe shop.
Build with Tailwind CSS.


Bachelor of Informatics Engineering from Dian Nuswantoro University
2020 - Present

Cumulative GPA: 3.63/4.0
Relevant coursework: Algorithms, Data Structure, Object-Oriented Programming, Database, Software Development

Organizational Experience

Dian Nuswantoro Computer Club (DNCC)
July, 2021 - August, 2022

Staff of Web Division

  • Responsible for providing web programming training for 90 participants in event AFG
  • Responsible for maintaining website of Dinacom using CodeIgniter



Semarang, Indonesia

